Our Service Standard


The Managing Director is a full member of the Association of British investigators (Membership no. F1505). As such, we are bound by the Association’s rules and code of conduct. The Law Society has granted the Association of British Investigators its endorsement, stating ‘Firms which need to engage litigation support services, whether investigative or simply to serve process, need to be assured they are outsourcing to an accredited agency with tested competency, probity, accountability and reliability. The Association has worked hard to improve the standing and reputation of the investigative professional and insists on carefully selecting each and every member’.

To read more about the Association of British Investigators click here.

Information Security

Our company collects, handles, stores and disseminates personal information. As a data controller, we are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998 and are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (Registration no. Z9774504). All our staff have undertaken appropriate training and receive continuing training to ensure we remain fully compliant with the 8 Principles in the Data Protection Act.


Legal Services Inc Ltd is a private limited company incorporated by statute (Company Registration No. 05677126). A list of members and officers of the company is available upon request to the company’s registered office

Legal Services Inc Ltd
Suite 150
51 Pinfold Street
West Midlands
B2 4AY

The company is VAT registered (VAT No. GB 896176567).

Our Ethos

In an industry that is shrouded in mystery and where our activities can perhaps justifiably seen as clandestine and intrusive we know that it is vital to go about our work in a wholly professional and responsible way. In the majority of cases we are acting as your agent, and we are acutely aware that in so doing our actions are a reflection of you, as well as us. We will

  • only act lawfully
  • act responsibly and professionally at all times
  • always be accountable for our actions
  • never abuse our position
  • respect the rights and dignity of the individual, treating him/her with courtesy and respect
  • carry out your instructions accurately and thoroughly
  • never accept instruction where we identify a conflict of interest may arise
  • act honestly at all times
  • carry out our work in a timely manner, keeping detailed records and keeping you, our customer, informed
  • retain confidentiality at all times