We have many years’ experience in the field of surveillance. We are ready to accept your instructions to act on your behalf to carry out either covert or overt surveillance.
Covert surveillance
Using experienced and professional staff, backed up by state-of-the-art technology, we are able to provide a focused, cost-effective solution for the job. Covert surveillance is a mix of observation, tracking, monitoring, and recording a subject and his/her activities without the subject’s knowledge.
Using a variety of methods including mobile and/or static human observation, GPS tracking equipment, covert miniature cameras, motion detecting devices, and heat and sound data logging equipment, we can quickly build a picture of the subject’s activities, be it over the course of a day ,week, month or year.
Our work
We are frequently instructed to establish whether a partner in a relationship is being unfaithful in engaging in an illicit relationship with another man or woman. By careful and sensitive mobile surveillance and adopting predictive methodology, the subject’s location, activities and daily routine can be quickly established.
Further examples of our work include surveillance to establish the degree of physical impairment/infirmity a claimant in a road traffic accident claim was actually suffering. The defendant’s insurers had suspicions of exaggeration, – with their suspicions ultimately being shown to be justified surveillance to support an employer’s belief that an employee was ‘swinging the lead’ in that his long-term absenteeism from work was unjustified and the employee was exaggerating the extent of his injury.
Is surveillance lawful?
A thorny question indeed, but the simple answer is ‘yes’ – providing that the surveillance does not transgress the law. Our staff have received full training in this area, and all our work is carried out mindful of current Human Rights, Data Protection and Discrimination law, and the law relating to nuisance and trespass.
To read more and to see our service standard policy click here.
Reporting back to you
As often as not the nature of surveillance requires time – time to build a picture or to build a persuasive evidential profile. We will provide you with a timescale at the outset. If our work is to be carried out over a period of more than a week we will from time to time provide you with a short progress report – we know our clients like this.
We will need to know whether your report will be used in court. If so, we will provide it in a form compliant with the Civil Procedure Rules, and it will be supported by a Statement of Truth. It goes without saying that we will, if required, attend court to give oral evidence.